Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Tues.’s Devo - The Second Coming of Christ

Read: Mark 13:14-37; Psalm 50:1-23; Proverbs 10:29-30 Moses was commanded to light the menorah in the tabernacle where the light shined forward illuminating the room. The Menorah is the seven spirits of God which give us instruction, wisdom, counsel, and understanding of God. The Levites were to be set apart from the rest of the people of Israel. They stood for the redeemed. They were dedicated to the Lord for his service. They went through a ceremony of cleansing which required them to wash their clothes and offer up an offering to the Lord. The Levites began serving in the Tabernacle at the age of 25 and retired at the age of 50. On the fourteenth day of the first month, they were to celebrate the Passover. A few of the Levites were unclean because they had touched a dead body. They went to Moses to ask if they could participate in the Passover. Moses went to the Lord and he said they could participate in the Passover in the next month on the same day. God never turns away a heart that is devoted to him. The people moved when the cloud moved and camped when it stopped. The whole of Israel was led by the priests. They were the government of the people in civil and religious things. This is the way God set it up. There is not separation of church and state in heaven. In Mark, Jesus was answering the question the disciples asked him. Jesus had told them that the walls of Jerusalem would be destroyed. Jesus went into a long description of the end of the days. He continues that discussion today. He describes a time when the Antichrist will bring a sacrilegious object into the sanctuary. This happened in the time when Antiochus Epiphenes ruled. He slaughtered a pig on the altar as a type of the end days. When this happens again it will be time to get out of Jerusalem and flee to the hills. Everyone will be looking for the Messiah only he has already come. Everything will be shaken. Then, Jesus will return in the clouds in his glory. The angels will reap the earth for it is the last harvest of souls. Only the Father knows the day he will send his son back. This will be the Second Coming of Christ. Lord, thank you for revealing yourself to us as our Messiah and Lord. Thank you for being our light and our salvation.

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