Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Tues.’s Devo - The New Season

Read: Numbers 32:1-33:39; Luke 4:31-5:11; Psalm 64:1-10; Proverbs 11:22 The tribes of Rueben and Gad were farmers so when they defeated the Moabites whose land was in front of the Jordan River, they saw how fertile it was and perfect for farming. They asked if they could have that land for their inheritance instead of land on the other side of the Jordan in Canaan. *** Moses was most upset with them until he learned that they intended to fight for the other tribes until all of them had received their inheritance. Then Moses agreed to let them take over the towns that were already established and make pens for their animals and places for their women and children to stay. They changed some of the names to not be named after their gods. *** A detailed list of all the names of all their stops in the wilderness. Some of these names are names that mean “fear” or “evil is the standard” or “thorns, clay and mire” which indicated times of testing and sin. Others meant “sweetness”, “fertile” and “palm trees” which were times of refreshing and joy. Sounds like our lives. There will always be testing and trials in life but there will also be times of refreshing and joy. *** Aaron climbed Mt. Hor and died there at the age of 123. The name of Hor means “progenitor” which means to be a forefather and to pass to the next generation what you had. That is all of our prayers - to be progenitors. *** In Luke, I see a bigger picture than just the details of the stories. As Jesus did more and more miracles the Kingdom of God was advancing. Satan’s kingdom was very aware of it and began proclaiming it more than anyone. In two of our stories today the demons spoke and identified Jesus as the Son of God. Jesus had to quiet them so they wouldn’t steal the attention. *** Jesus wanted the attention to be on advancing God’s kingdom, not the fall of Satan’s. He preached from a boat in the sea, then demonstrated his power by showing them the catching of great numbers of fish. That was where he wanted to put the emphasis. He wanted them to prepare them for what was coming which was a great harvest of souls. The sea of humanity was about to surrender to the Word of the Lord and come out of the Kingdom of the world and into his Kingdom. Lord, may we recognize our roles in fishing for men and following You. Prepare our hearts for this new season we are in. May we be progenitors.

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