Thursday, March 30, 2023

Thurs.’s Devo - Your Kingdom Come

Read: Deuteronomy 13:1-15:23; Luke 8:40-9:6; Psalm 7:1-24; Proverbs 12:5-7 The Israelites would be tested to see if they would be faithful to the Lord. They would be enticed to follow other gods, but God warned them not to succumb. The guilty ones should be stoned to death. ***When they took over heathen towns, they were not to keep the instruments of pagan worship they had but destroy them in the fire. *** They were not to make incisions on their heads as a sign of hopeless sorrow when mourning for the dead. The Israelites were not to look at death as hopeless sorrow but a promise of resurrection. *** Everything they did in regards to their worship of God was to be a picture telling a much greater picture. They were not to eat animals that didn’t have both split hooves and chewed the cud. What they ate represented what they brought into their bodies. We are to eat the Word of God the living bread. It is rightly divide and meditated upon day and night. ***They were not to eat fish that didn’t have both fins and scales. We are to be balanced in our walk and covered by the blood of Jesus. ***Insects with wings but that walked were not to be eaten. This represented spiritual things that chose to stay earthly. That would be like a man that gained the whole earth and lost his soul. ***At the end of the third year, they were to bring that year’s harvest to the Levites as well as the foreigners and the fatherless and the widow. *** At the end of the seventh year all debts of everyone who owes you money was to be cancelled for the Israelites. No Israelite should be poor! Israel was to lend to other nations but never be under another nation. They were to be generous to their fellow Israelites and lend to them freely. *** If they had fellow Israelites working for them, they were to be set free in the seventh year unless the man wanted to stay on. Then they were to take than man and pierce his ear to the door of the house. After that, he would be your servant for life. *** First-born animals were to be saved for sacrifices to the Lord. *** In Luke, I can’t help but see three “12’s”. The woman had been bleeding for 12 years. The little girl who died and Jesus resurrected was 12 and Jesus sent his 12 out to cast our demons and heal all diseases. *** Twelve is the number of government. A new government was definitely coming. It was God’s kingdom. Signs and miracles and deliverances are a picture of this kingdom coming. We are seeing this right now in our nation among our youth who are desperate to have a future. *** Lord, may everything that is hidden be made manifest and may your kingdom come with power.

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