Sunday, March 31, 2019

Sun.’s Devo - God’s Calendar of Events

Read: Deuteronomy 16:1-17-20; Luke 9:7-27; Psalm 72:1-20; Proverbs 12:8-9
The feasts are mentioned in Exodus 23, Leviticus 23 and now again because they are God’s calendar of events that he chose to do wonderful miracles in the past and he was going to do wonderful miracles in the future on those days. Three times a year all the male were to come to Jerusalem and bring an offering - at Unleavened Bread, Pentecost and Tabernacles. They were times of harvest of barley, wheat and fruit. They were a time when God’s people would be gathered together as one to worship God.
Every city that had gates was to appoint judges to judge the people by God’s Word. This is the picture of the father in a family or the local church. These judges were not to take bribes, distort judgement or show favoritism but were to judge righteously. If the matter was too big for them, they were to take their matter to Jerusalem and present it before the priests. This is a picture of the courtroom in heaven that we go to in prayer when we are being oppressed by our adversary, the devil. Jesus is the just judge who listens to our cries for help and judges righteously in our behalf. Our defense is the blood of Jesus.
If a person is found guilty of serving other gods, they were to be brought to the city gates and stoned to death. There must be two or three witnesses before this can be carried out. God was clear about removing sin from among them.
In Luke, Herod was afraid that John the Baptist, the one he had beheaded had come back to life in the person of Jesus. Then Jesus took 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish and fed 5,000 men. What Herod thought had happened to Jesus was about to happen to thousands. Jesus was going to die and resurrect in his people and they were going to go out in his name and in his power and change the world.
Lord, you have put your blood and Holy Spirit in us and we are your representation on earth. Help us to walk in your steps and your power and do the things you want accomplished on the earth.

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