Saturday, March 2, 2019

Sat.’s Devo - Our Kinsman Redeemer

Read: Leviticus 25:47-27:13; Mark 10:32-52; Psalm 5:1-17; Proverbs 10:22
The land and the person were measured for their worth by the number of years they would be the most fruitful. The land was worth more after a Jubilee because the new buyer would be able to farm it more years before it had to be returned to its original owner. A person was worth more between the ages of 20-60 because he was stronger and could do more work.
These are all pictures of our lives. We are more fruitful for a longer time if we come to the Lord early in our lives. Our Jubilee is our day of salvation where we go back to our original owner who is God.
The laws of property had to do with land beyond the city with walls. Land in the city was permanently owned. Just as our walls are salvation and we are safe in God’s city. No one can take our land. But the people out in the field are the unsaved or the saved who have left God’s protection to do their own thing.
Land could be redeemed by a kinsman redeemer just as Boaz bought Ruth and her land and just as our Kinsman Redeemer, Jesus bought us out of our bondage of sin and redeemed us to live in his city. Jesus was believed to have entered into ministry in a Jubilee year. He came to redeem people back to their original owner and give them their rightful inheritance.
In Mark, Jesus explained, once again, that the kingdom of God is not like earthly kingdoms. It is just the opposite. To live you have to die; to be exalted, you have to be humbled; to get you have to give, and to live your have to die.
On his way to be crucified, Jesus does a very noteworthy act. A blind man recognizes that he is the Messiah. To say: “son of David” is to say “Messiah”. He could see spiritually already, so Jesus asked him what else he wanted. He said, he wanted to see in the natural also, so Jesus graciously did this for him. Jesus commended him for his faith.
Lord, may we too be commended for our faith and may we see spiritually better than we see in the natural. Thank you for being our Kinsman Redeemer.

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