Saturday, March 9, 2019

Sat..’s Devo - God’s Perpectual Love

Read: Numbers 11:24-13:33: Mark 14:22-52; Psalm 52:1-9; Proverbs 11:1-3
Moses called 70 men to come outside the camp so God could place His spirit upon them and they could help Moses lead the people. Two of the men didn’t come. When God placed his spirit on the 68 men it also fell on the two that remained in the camp. They all began to prophesy, even the two that didn’t come. Their names were Eldad and Medad which mean “God has loved” and “Would be loving”. God was trying to tell them that even if they didn’t come to him, he would come to them because he loved them in the past and he will would love them in the future.
Aaron and Miriam let jealousy lead them to judge Moses about his Ethiopian wife. They pointed out that God had spoken to them too, not just Moses. God called Aaron and Miriam out and put them in their places and stood up for Moses. He told them that Moses was the only one who was faithful in the whole lot, including them. With Moses, God spoke face to face and clearly, not in riddles. God was so mad that by the time he had finished speaking to Miriam and Aaron, Miriam was completely covered in leprosy which was the picture of sin. Moses cried out for her healing so God told him she had to be put out of the camp for seven days for her punishment, then she would be healed.
Once Miriam’s week was over they were able to continue to the promised land. They got to the outskirts and Moses sent 12 men from each tribe to reconnoiter the land 40 days. They found a branch of grapes so large they had to carry it on poles between two men. It was the time of the fall feasts because the fall feasts happen at the grape harvest. It was time to tabernacle in the new land God had given them, but all they could see were the giants. Only Caleb stood up and said that they could take the land.
In Mark, Jesus finished the Seder and lead them to the Mount of Olives telling them that they would all lose faith in him. Peter quickly disagreed that he might be the only one, but he would not lose faith. Jesus told Peter that he would deny him three times before the night was over.
They couldn’t even pray an hour at Jesus’ most needful time because without the Holy Spirit, they are too weak. Jesus was letting them and us see that without the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we are not able to stand against our own desires or against Satan’s.
Judas approached with the Roman soldiers and some of the Sanhedrin and Jesus identified him as his betrayer. Judas kissed Jesus and Jesus was taken. Peter cut off the high priest’s chief assistant to make him blemished for service.
I love how God puts in little sentences that make no sense to us like the man in the linen garment who runs away naked. These men in linen are all through the Bible. They are watchers from heaven sent to watch what goes on here on earth. They are little priests from Melchizedek’s priesthood in heaven. This one gets exposed, but gets away. Selah!
Lord, thank you that you stand up for your own and don’t ever let us down even though we let you down many times. Your love is everlasting: past, present and future. Thank you.

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