Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Tues.’s Devo - The New Heaven and the New Earth

Read: Isaiah 66:1-24; Philippians 3:4B-21; Psalm 74:1-23; Proverbs 24:15-16
This is the last chapter of Isaiah which means that it relates to the end of Revelation in the New Testament. God gives his measurement by which he will judge the earth. He will esteem the ones who are humble (depressed, in mind or circumstances, afflicted, lowly, needy, poor) and contrite (maimed or dejected) in spirit and those who fearfully reverence his Word.
But the proud and all their sacrifices will be counted as abominations against them. Since they refused to answer God when he called and wouldn’t listen when he spoke, the thing that they fear the most will happen to them. All the people who hated God’s people will be put to shame and get what they deserve.
Zion, the redeemed of the Lord, will witness the birth of a new nation and all of the promises God has ever given about Israel and God’s chosen people will happen over night. God will gather the people of the nations together to Jerusalem and all will see the glory of the Lord. God will bring his new heavens and new earth. It will be everlasting life to some and death to others.
Paul, in Philippians gives us his pedigree of fleshly honors and then says that they are nothing in comparison to knowing Christ. He reminds us of the end of the ungodly and earthly, but our citizenship is in heaven.
Lord, help us to live today remembering that our citizenship is in heaven and not on this earth.

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