Saturday, October 6, 2018

Sat.’s Devo. -The Temple of The Lord

Read: Jeremiah 6:15-8:7; Colossians 2:8-23; Psalm 78:1-31; Proverbs 8:8-9:26
Isaiah rebuked the prophets and the priests because they were not even ashamed of their blatant sins. God told them to seek the good way - His way that is full of righteous deeds and purity of heart. Isaiah begged them to look to the future and see the army that was going to rush in and take them. He still cried out for them to repent and trust him. They believed that because they lived in the city where the temple of God was that it would save them and God wouldn’t let it be destroyed.. God was the one who was sending their enemies against him and he wasn’t concerned about the temple. The temple was never a building but a concept. The temple of the Lord was in heaven but it was going to come down to earth in the man of Jesus Christ whose blood would enable that temple to be in us.
God said that if the people would repent and start treating the widow, the orphan and the poor with compassion, he would allow them to stay in their land. He reminded them of his promises to bless them if they would have obeyed him. They had chosen to worship idols so their bones would be not even be buried and the ones in the grave would be uprooted to dry in the sun. This was a great curse because they were very concerned about where their bones were buried. Joseph made his people swear that they wouldn’t let his stay in Egypt but be carried to the promised land and buried there.
Paul warned the Colossians not to be fooled by false teachers with false doctrine but to hold fast to the truth. God had ordained many feast and moon days as a type of what was to come. They were not to be worshipped; they all pointed to Christ who was to be worshipped.
Our Psalm gives us the way to keep us trusting the Lord as a nation; parents are to teach their children about God. Then their children will teach their children and so on and so on. We are living in a time when so many of the millennials don’t see the need to go to church which is sad because no one is teaching their children about God. Thank God for grand parents. I pray that revival will come to the millennials. We need them in the Body.
Lord, help us to know the truth and may the truth set us and our nation free.

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