Friday, October 19, 2018

Fri.’s Devo - A Return To Righteousness

Read: Jeremiah 33:1-34:22; 1 Timothy 4:1-16; Psalm 89:1-13; Proverbs 25:23-24
When I happen to look at the clock and it reads 3:33 I am reminded of Jeremiah 33:3…”Call unto me, and I will answer you, and show you great and might things, which you don’t know.” God is always wanting to show us more about him.
God destroyed Jerusalem in his fury and anger because of its great wickedness but he immediately spoke of healing and the cure he would bring when it was over. God promised to bring them back and cleanse them from all their sin. They would have joy and gladness once again. God would have righteous priests and ministers and their seed would be multiplied to fill the earth.
Jerusalem was surrounded by the king of Babylon when Jeremiah told the king, Zedekiah that he would not die by the sword. He would die a natural death and be mourned. This seamed to soften his heart and he started planning for what Jeremiah had told him would happen. The king told all the people to let their servants go free. They obeyed at first, then after a time made them slaves again. Jeremiah reminded them of the law of Moses that said that every seventh year, all slaves were to go free. They were not honoring that commandment. Because of their injustice, God would give them into the hands of their enemies and many would be killed. King Zedekiah and his officials would be handed over to the Babylonians and taken captive.
Paul gives us a description of the mindset of many during the last days. We can see all of them alive in our day. He reminded Timothy that every thing God created is good for food if it is sanctified through the Word and prayer. Developing godliness is more profitable than developing muscles and a healthy body. He told Timothy not to let people judge him according to his age but let his lifestyle show his maturity. He reminded him to remember the words that were spoken over him in prophesy. Develope those gifts and continue in the faith.
Lord, may we do the same thing. Help us to hunger for the things that really matter.

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