Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Wed.’s Devo - Grace and Giving

Read: Ecclesiastes 10:1-12:14; 2 Corinthians 8:1-15; Psalm 49:1-20; Proverbs 22:20-21
Solomon saw that sometimes the most qualified people don’t get the promotions. He also observed that to every action there is a reaction. However, he saw the wisdom in not reacting to an angry boss. You can’t expect something to happen if you don’t work to make it happen. Solomon does remind the youth to remember God and not let their zeal for adventure cloud their thinking. He reminds the old man to turn back to God but he still concludes that everything in life is meaningless.
Solomon’s last few comments are some of his wisest in Ecclesiastes. He tells his people to fear God and keep his commandments because every deed will be judged by them and every secret will be made known.
Thank God for grace!
Paul reminds of of this grace. Paul commended the Corinthians on their excellent faith, speech, knowledge and love and told them to use that same zeal in their giving. Paul reminded them that Jesus chose to give up the riches of heaven to become poor that the church might be rich in faith. Paul taught them that if we give, we will never run out. God blesses some so they can help others that need it. Everything we have is a gift from God and is ours to give back.
Our Psalms reminds us that we can take none of our riches with us so it is not the most important thing about life. Understanding is much more important. Understanding means we know what to do with what God has given us.
Lord, help us to see that you are the main thing. May we honor you in the things you have blessed us with and give freely.

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