Friday, September 14, 2018

Fri.’s Devo - Judgement and Grace

Read: Isaiah 15:1-18:7; Galatians 1:1-24; Psalm 58:1-11; Proverbs 23:12
Today we read of the oracle against Moab. Moab was the son of Lot who was born of incest. Moab had been a constant thorn in Israel’s side and God was ready to judge her for her pride and idolatry. Ar was a major area in Moab and Kir, its capital. Isaiah prophesied Moab’s destruction.
In Chapter 16, the Edomites, descendants from the other son of Lot, asked Judah to take in their refugees. They make a treaty with a lamb to symbolize the thousands of lambs that the king of Moab had to send the king of Israel 100,000 lambs back in the day when Jehoram was king of Israel (2 Kings 3:4). Judah agrees to take the Moabites in and they serve Israel once again. These refugees were the remnant of Moab that God saved out of his mercy.
I think this is a picture of what will happen when the church realizes her identity and starts ruling on the earth as a son of God. Then the devil will be serving us instead of us being afraid of him.
In Chapter 17 God decreed judgment against Damascus, the capital of Syria and against Ephraim. They will be destroyed utterly because they attacked Israel and Jerusalem. This happened in 732 B.C. when Assyria attacked Damascus and northern Israel and took captive most of the people. A remnant was left who would turn their hearts back to God.
In Chapter 18, God prophesied against Ethiopia which was of the descendent of Ham, Noah’s son who defiled him. Ethiopia was strong and had offered an alliance with Hezekiah against Assyria, but God had told them not to make any alliance with Ethiopia. God sent Assyria against them.
These will be the same players and the same scene in the end. The thing to remember is that God’s people are always the remnant that survives and ends up prospering in the end.
In Galatians, we see the same spirit of confusion and false teachings coming against their churches like in Corinth. Paul explains them a little further. They preach a man-made gospel apart from the gospel of Jesus Christ which was really no gospel at all. It taught legalism and personal steps to get more righteous. It was full of rules, regulations, rites and conditions to measure up to. It left grace far behind.
Lord, help us to walk in grace and extend grace to those around us. Thank you that we can do all things only through your grace that empowers us to overcome.

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