Saturday, September 29, 2018

Sat.’s Devo - Bring Justice Back to the Earth

Read: Isaiah 57:14:59-21; Philippians 1:1-26; Psalm 71:1-24; Proverbs 24:9-10
God promised that he would not always contend and find fault with man even though his ways were bent on evil. He promised to heal, restore and comfort him and give him a reason to praise and be happy.
The wicked wanted to know what God said and went through the religious rituals for the wrong reasons. They fasted only to get God to do what they wanted him to do and when he didn’t answer their prayer, God told them why.
Fasting is not about getting our prayers answered, it is about humbling ourselves before God and helping others get free from their bondages. It is about seeing the needs of others and helping them. When we do that then our prayers will get answered quickly. We have to stop pointing our finger and judging the sins of others. We are to rebuild what has been torn down in people’s lives and help them restore their faith. This life is not about getting what we want or what we think is due us but helping God bring his kingdom down to earth so this earth looks more like heaven than it looks like hell. God wants to bring his justice to the earth.
God saw, in Israel, that there was no justice, so he wrapped himself in humanity and came down to show them what justice was suppose to look like. He did this in the face of Jesus Christ.
Paul encouraged the Christians in Philippi that our goal is to be able to discern what is best so that our decisions will be pure and blameless. He realized that the reason he was in prison was to have a platform to preach the gospel. He was an example to them of the Christian life. It didn’t matter the state of his circumstances - God can use everything we go through for his glory. God chooses how he can best be shown to the world. We are the clay in his hands. In the middle of his imprisonment, Paul found joy. In the middle of our trials we can find joy too.
Lord, help us to see through your eyes and help you bring your kingdom down to earth. Help us to work with you to bring justice to the earth.

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