Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sun.’s Devo - Live With Expectation

Read: Judges 9:22-10:28; Luke 24:13-53; Psalm 100:1-; Proverbs 14:11-12
God is justice and will repay evil in his time. Abimelech had usurped the power to lead from Gideon’s sons and killed all of them so God was ready to avenge their blood. The people were serving other gods and had forsaken the Lord also so God forsook them. Abimelech was killed as he was killing all the people. The whole city of Shechem was destroyed. Years later, Jesus would sit with a women at a well in Shechem and she would be shown living water.
The people went through two more judges: Tola, Jair who delivered them. But, they kept turning from the Lord and serving the gods of the land until God was tired of rescuing them. When they cried out to him again to save them from the 18 years of oppressive rule of the Ammonites God sent them to cry to the gods they kept turning back to. Maybe they could save them.
They got serious and got rid of all their idols and launched an attack against the Ammonites. The leaders of the people said that whoever would lead the attack would be their leader after it was over.
In Luke, Jesus comes back to encourage his disciples and followers. Just when these two men felt so depressed and disillusioned because their Messiah had died, Jesus came and opened the scriptures to them to show them that God’s Word was being fulfilled just as it was written. When they realized it was Jesus they had spent the day with, they ran back to Jerusalem to tell the disciples. They put some steps on their Fit Bit that day!
That is just how the Holy Spirit is for us today, at our weakest moments when we feel like giving up, God sends us encouragement. We must keep going and keep fulfilling our mission on earth.
Jesus told them to go to Jerusalem and wait because he was going to clothe them with power from heaven. Then Jesus blessed them and went back to heaven. They returned to Jerusalem praising God and waited with expectation.
That is the position we need to always be in - expectation. God is about to do some powerful things. I got a call from a dear friend yesterday whose husband has been suffering with chronic pain and took pain killers four times a day just to make it through the day. He was prayed for and totally healed! No more pain! We are going to hear about more and more miracles because God is once again visiting his people.
I am having so many encounters with angels in dreams because God is meshing heaven with earth. So lets live with expectation - this is the day that the Lord has made!

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