Monday, April 9, 2018

Mon.’s Devo - Blessings

Read: Deuteronomy 33:1-29; Luke 13:1-21; Psalm 78:65-72; Proverbs 12:25
Before Moses died he pronounced a blessing over Jeshurun which means “the upright of Israel”. He totally leaves Simeon out though some scholars believe he was talking about Simeon in Judah’s blessing when he said “nor your men not be few”. Simeon was one of the smallest tribes. Simeon means “hearing” so maybe God was saying may the people of Israel one day hear my voice again. I’m not sure why Simeon’s name is not mentioned but I can see that there are no negative things spoken over the tribes like the prophecy Israel gave them when he was about to die so these blessing had to be for the remnant that would hold to the truth no matter what. Each blessing was so unique to their people, their land and their future. God is so individual and each tribe had his work that fit his gifts. I see this at work in our church where everyone is asked to serve in some way. When people give of their gifts the church runs so smoothly and it is beautiful to see.
We are all a member of one of the tribes of Israel. We all have a bent toward one or two that identify our place in the body. I would encourage you to ask the Lord which one you are a member of.
In Luke, Jesus was asked about the Galileans who had refused to pay tribute to the Roman government and were killed. The people saw this as their just payment for not obeying the law but Jesus gave them heaven’s view. Their fate was no different from any other person who did not repent of their sin. In the end, all will die and be judged. The choices are eternal life or eternal judgement depending on whether they repented.
Jesus healed a woman who had been crippled for eighteen years by an evil spirit and the Pharisees tried to condemn Jesus on a practicality. Their jealousy knew no end. Jesus humiliated them by revealing their hearts.
Jesus explained that the kingdom of God was like a mustard seed which stands for a little faith. That is all it takes to grow into a mature tree. It is not the amount of faith we have, it is that we have it. It will grow as we use it.
Lord, I pray words of cheer and encouragement on your people so that we can be strong against the devil.

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