Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Wed.’s Devo -Discernment and Miracles

Read: Leviticus 11:1-12:8; Mark 5:21-43: Psalm 38:1-22; Proverbs 10:8-9
God gave Moses instructions about clean and unclean animals. First he addressed the animals that live on the land. They could eat anything that had a split hoof that was completely divided and that chewed the cud. Romans 7:14 says that the law is spiritual which means there is more to the law than the surface. We can choose to digest things that come to us or not. A split hoof completely divided has to do with balance in someones walk. Chewing the cud means understanding the scriptures. We should only digest teaching that comes from careful study of the Word and from a teacher that walks what he/she teaches. If either of these is off then what they teach or what they live will fall into deception, eventually.
Of the creatures in the water they had to have fins or scales. The water has to do with the spiritual realm just like the sky. We have to be careful that the spirits we accept are covered by the shadow of God, not the devil who can parade as an angel of light. The litmus test is if they submit and are covered with the blood of Christ. Most people will claim to believe in God, but the dividing line is if they believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus. Salvation is our covering; it is our scales. The fins are the voice and Word of God that direct us and balance us. We must have both.
Of the birds, they could not eat ones that ate dead things like the eagle, vulture, raven, etc. We are to eat things that bring us life. Of the flying insects, we are not to eat ones that could not bend their knee. Bending the knee has to do humility. The devil is pride personified. Jesus was humility personified.
In Mark, Jesus met a man whose daughter was 12 and dying. The father was one of the rulers of the synagogue. On the way to his house, Jesus was confronted by a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years. For 12 years, she had been considered unclean. Jesus stopped to heal this woman that no one would have considered worth it while he made the man who the world considered important, wait. Jesus treated everyone the same. I’m sure the father was a little put out when Jesus interrupted his mission to save the woman while his daughter died.
Lord, give us discernment and lead us into your miracles.

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