Sunday, February 25, 2018

Sun.’s Devo - God Loves Us

Read: Leviticus 16:29-30; Mark 7:24-8:10; Psalm 41:1-13; Proverbs 10:15-16
The Day of Atonement was the most holy day of the year for the Hebrew. It was when the successor to the high priest would enter into the Holy of Holies and sin for the nation would be atoned for the whole year. This successor was the son of the high priest. Jesus, the son of God, entered into the Holy of Holies with his own blood and became our new High Priest forever (Hebrews 7).
God told his people that they were not to live like the people they left or the people they were going to. They had God’s laws and God was their god. Then God gave them a list of people they were not to have sex with. He had just told them the importance of not eating the blood of animals. He was trying to teach them about DNA even though it had no name. Having sex with a relative mixes blood and dishonors and defiles. Sacrificing children to a false god profanes God’s name. Homosexual sin is detestable and having sex with animals is defiling and a perversion. These were the sins of the people of the promises land that God was going to drive out before them. Their sins had defiled the land so the land vomited the people out. The land does this by volcanoes.
If God’s people did these things they would be cut off from their people. This is not my opinion…this is God. In our world of political correctness and not wanting to offend and the doctrine of coexistence, we have watered down and cut out God’s laws. Being a Christian, we will be called bigots, hypocrites, judges, etc., but we can not water down God’s laws. They were not meant to restrict us, they were meant to keep us safe and give us life.
In Mark, Jesus healed the Greeks. He delivered a daughter from demons, opened the ears of a deaf man and he spoke for the first time. Then he fed the four thousand and had seven basketfuls left over. He did this all in the land of mainly Greeks. Jesus came to save the world.
Lord, help us to obey you even when we don’t understand why. Your motive is always good and love.

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