Thursday, February 15, 2018

Thurs.’s Devo - The Garments of the Priest

Read: Exodus 39:1-40:38; Mark 1:1-28; Psalm 35:1-16; Proverbs 9:11-12
Aaron’s garment had gold hammered down to a thread and woven into the fabric. I can’t imagine the splendor when the sun hit the gold in his garment making him look like he glimmered and shone. It was all to show the glory of Jesus as our High Priest. I’ve explained the stones of the tribes in previous blogs but I want to explain the bells and the pomegranates. The Torah has 365 laws in it and every pomegranate has 365 seeds so the pomegranates represents the law. The bells are the praises that are always accompanying the priests appearance. Praise, and reminding God of his promises will bring his presence into your situation.
Aaron’s priests all wore white linen to show their consecration and holy life.
When all the components were finished for the tabernacle and its worship, God told them to set it all up on the first day of the first month of the year. If we are talking the civil calendar then that would be Tishri One, the first day of the world, Roshashana. Fifteen days later would be the Feast of Tabernacles. If it is the first day of the religious calendar then it is Nisan or Abib One which is the month of Passover, Unleavened Bread and First Fruits. I couldn’t find out which one it was but both are important to what was happening. They were about to start sacrificing their first sacrifices and beginning their corporate worship so I would think it was the month of Passover.
Today we start reading Mark. Mark was written to the Romans and describes Jesus as the Servant. Knowing this, it is interesting that he quotes Isaiah right off the bat. Isaiah was the prophet who described Jesus as the suffering servant in Isaiah 53. Isaiah also prophesied that one would come who would be Jesus’ messenger to prepare the way before him. He called the people to repentance so their hearts would be ready to receive their Messiah.
Once John introduced Jesus and baptized him, his ministry was pretty much over. He was arrested and put in prison where he stayed until his promotion to heaven.
I love Mark’s no-nonsense approach to his story. He gets right to the point and introduces John, Jesus, and his first disciples all in the first chapter. He even establishes his power over the demonic world. Jesus has entered the building!
Lord, may we walk as priests on the earth.

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