Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Wed.’s Devo - The Spirit of God

Read: Ezekiel 1:1-3:15; Hebrews 4:1-19; Psalm 104:1-23; Proverbs 26:24-26
Ezekiel saw some creatures that would compare to x-men by today’s standards. We see these same creatures in Revelation 4:7. These creatures seemed to each have wheels that accompanied them full of eyes. These wheels represented the spirit of the living creatures that go observing throughout the earth. The living creatures where God’s messengers as angels are. They have four distinct personalities and gifts. They are intelligent like man, bold and strong like lions, diligent like the ox and swift and far-seeing as the eagle. They are attendants of God. God is revealed in Ezekiel’s vision as half shining metal and half fire. God is both - a glorious god and a consuming fire.
God appeared in his glory to Ezekiel to strengthen him for the mission he was sending him. He would go to his own people who were stubborn and obstinate and give them a message of repentance. Because they would oppose him God made Ezekiel as stubborn and obstinate as they were. God gave him a scroll to eat which were God’s words to him. He extends that same scroll to us which is not only his written Word but his commission he gives us in our secret place of prayer. He will strengthen us with his presence for the assignment he has for us to do just as he did for Ezekiel.
Hebrews compares Moses and Christ. Moses was the one God gave the law to but Jesus was the one God sent much higher than Moses with a covenant that was much higher than Moses’. The people of Moses day were hard of heart and couldn’t receive the truth just like the people of Jesus’ day. So the writer of Hebrews encouraged his readers to not be hard of heart but to hear God’s voice and obey it.

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