Friday, November 3, 2017

Fri.’s Devo - The Priesthood

Read: Ezekiel 7:1-9:11; Hebrews 5:1-14; Psalm 105:1-15; Proverbs 26:28
God declared two words over the land of Israel: The end! He describes it as a rod budding, but not like Aaron’s that budded to show God’s acceptance of him, but their rod of arrogance which would turn into God’s rod to punish their wickedness. No one who was guilty would be exempt from God’s wrath. Ezekiel gave them a detailed picture of what it would look like and it was not a pretty picture.
In Chapter 8, Ezekiel was sitting with the elders when he was suddenly transported in the spirit to Jerusalem where God showed him the hidden idolatry that was going on in the most holy places of the temple. God was letting Ezekiel see how and why the glory had left his temple and the reason for his wrath. Ezekiel watched as God sent his angels to mark the ones who had kept their hearts true to the Lord. Those who didn’t have the mark were shown no mercy. It reminds me of the ones who didn’t have the blood applied to their doorposts when the death angel passed over in the days of Moses.
Hebrews explains that a high priest is someone who understands his own weaknesses so he can mercifully represent the people. God was the one who appointed priests and in the beginning, he called Aaron and his family. Now, he was calling Jesus his priest after his heavenly order. Jesus had learned to obey by the things he suffered just like we do. And, Jesus had to learn to distinguish between good and evil just like we do. He is calling us to be kings and priests and to represent him on the earth.
Lord, help us to be merciful priests unto you.

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