Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Wed.’s Devo - The End of Egypt

Read Ezekiel 31:1-32:32; Hebrews 12:14-29: Psalm113:1-114:8; Proverbs 27:1-20
Two months after the prophecy we read yesterday, God speaks again about Egypt. It will not cease to exist like Assyria would but it would surely lose it prominence in the world’s empire. The king of Egypt was prideful and haughty just like the king of Assyria that was overthrown by the Chaldeans and Egypt would fall just the same. Egypt could look at what happened to them and know what to expect. God was sending his conquering force on the earth, Babylon, against her. He also told the king that he would die in the battle.
Hebrews tells us to make every effort to live in peace. Be sure that you don’t let any roots of bitterness grow up which not only cause trouble but defile many. How true that is. Roots of bitterness begin with little offenses that we refuse to forgive. Left to fester, they grow into full-blown disease which affects everyone that comes in contact with that person.
Next he instructs us not to be sexually immoral which will never lead to anything good. Or, to be godless who like Esau, sold his inheritance for a meal. Esau so despised the things of the Lord, he put no eternal value on them. He only cared about his immediate hunger.
We are reminded that we don’t have a god who can’t be reached but we have the King of Kings who through Jesus has made it available for us to enter into his throne room any time and speak to him. God’s kingdom will not topple like Egypt and the kingdoms of the earth. It stands forever!
Lord, thank you for being such a touchable, attainable God. Your loving kindness and mercy knows no end.

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