Sunday, January 1, 2017

Sun.’s Devo - Kingdom Authority

Last January first I shared with you that the word the Lord gave me for this year would be “mark”. It would be a year that God did some landmark things that we would mark on our calendar. As the year went by, I saw God do just this. In my own life I saw so many prayers for my family get answered. I saw them grow in amazing ways in their walk with the Lord. God gave us two new grandchildren, Ezra and Stella Jean. Ezra was named for the scribe and prophet in the Bible. The scribe writes down what the Lord is saying, he marks it on paper. Stella was named for grandmothers on both sides. I don’t know one of the grandmothers, but I do know my mother, who was a soul-winner and an intercessor. God is restoring prayer in a big way to the body which will usher in a great end-time harvest.
One of the most landmark miracles was in our government. We watched in awe as God shocked every news commentator and broke every poll prediction. God had already started his kingdom age but this put the ball in momentum like never before. We will see such positive things happen for the “Church” of Christ, but it will not come without a struggle. The devil is a wounded snake and he is not happy and he is not going down without a fight. We need to learn how to use the weapons of our warfare. We need to get authority in the spirit. We get that by using it. In other words, we pray for the impossible and we pray in faith. We act on that faith, no matter what we see. We keep acting on our faith and we keep fighting the devil. WE DON”T GIVE UP! That is how we gain authority. When we start seeing our faith manifest in answered prayers our faith grows and we get stronger and stronger and our authority grows. The words God gave me for 2017 is “Kingdom authority”. We are going to learn how to live as sons and daughters of the King of Kings. We are going to learn how to bring heaven down to earth. Many people will have dreams of things in heaven that they will develop and sell here on earth. It will prosper them and in turn they will use that money to further the kingdom.
We are going to see the reversal of many evil laws and ideoligies that have operated in our country. Christians are going to rise up and take the lead in every area of life.
We are going to walk without fear with such authority, it will make the devils tremble. We are going to be unstoppable in what God tells us to do. We are going to be the head and not the tail. We are going to be the ones setting the styles, making the deals, prospering, and being the example everyone wants to be like. I don’t say that arrogantly, it is just what happens when the king’s children come out of the palace and walk the streets. Everyone looks at them and wants what they have. It is going to be easier and easier to share the gospel because we are actually going to look like we have something people want to have. The church is coming alive and taking the world by force! I could shout! We win!
For the last few years I went through the Bible chronologically but this year I’m going back to my One Year Bible so we will be mixing the Old with the New. I will be using several translations at times but mainly the King James. So here is today’s reading:
Read: Genesis 1:1-2:25; Matthew 1:1-3:12; Psalm 1:1-6; Proverbs 1:1-6
Wow! I could spend weeks just in Genesis 1, so I’m going to give you a blitz of all of this. From the very start, God gave us a peek into his spiritual realm. Everything he made describes him and his ways. The first thing God did was to bring light to a dark world. In Genesis, this light was brought by God’s Word, in Matthew it was brought by Jesus, in Psalms it is brought by the righteous man, in Proverbs it is brought by wisdom. It’s source is always God and his son, Jesus.
God divides light from darkness on the second day. God told Joseph to take Jesus out of Bethlehem because the darkness was coming to destroy him. God calls us to walk away from the counsel of the wicked and to delight in the law of the Lord. We are to listen to the wise to understand the mysteries of God.
On the third day, God brought grass and herbs which yielded fruit after the kind of seed they had. Mary carried the very seed of God and we do too so our fruit should conform to the seed inside us. We are to be a tree planted by streams of water which yield its fruit in the proper season. The water is the water of the Word inspired by the Spirit of God. Wisdom will allow us to understand what we read.
On the fourth day, God made the sun, moon, and stars. God is the sun, the church is the moon and the stars are individual saints. Jesus came bringing the light, we should reflect that light which will make us shine as individual stars where we are. We are to prosper wherever we are and do what is right and just and fair.
On the fifth day, God made creatures in the heavens and under the earth in the seas. This is a picture of the spiritual realm, both of them. We see both of these realms in the early life of Jesus. The dark world wanted to kill him right away. The wicked are like the chaff that the wind blows. They will not stand in the judgment.
On the sixth day, God created man and beast. He made man in his image and gave him dominion over the two spiritual realms. He gave him the seed and the fruit of that seed for his food. It was to be his meat. Mary was impregnated by the Holy Spirit with the seed of God. It brought forth Jesus. We have been impregnated with this same seed. We have the same power in us that Jesus had in him because he is the seed in us.
On the seventh day, God rested and we can enter into that rest whenever we want to. It just means seeing our lives from God’s perspective. He has already won the battles in our lives and we are seated with him in heavenly places.
Adam was the very picture of Jesus who needed a helpmeet. Jesus needed a bride. Adam was put to sleep so that Eve could come from his rib. Jesus was put to sleep on the cross to bring forth the Bride from his side.
Lord, open our eyes to see the bigger picture of your plan. We lay down our cares and worries of tomorrow and gladly trust in your unfailing love.

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