Friday, January 20, 2017

Friday’s Devo - Pharoah’s Dreams

Read: Genesis 41:17-42:17; Matthew 13:24-46; Psalm 18:1-15; Proverb 4:1-6
Pharaoh told Joseph his dream which was in two parts all meaning the same. They understood that dreams were important and needed to be interpreted. If we had that dream, we would have probably thought we ate too much pizza the night before, but they highly esteemed dreams. We need to also, because it is a very vital avenue God uses to speak to us. Like in Pharoah’s dream, dreams need to be interpreted. They are usually symbolic and many of the symbols can be found in the Bible. I have found that writing my dream down, reading it out loud and sharing it with a person who understands the language of dreams can help me with dreams I can’t understand on my own. Sometimes I will have a dream and years later, God will bring it back to me and give me the interpretation.
Joseph interpreted the dream and the Pharaoh and his officers all agreed to the interpretation. Joseph was elevated from the prison to the palace in one day. That is how quick God can deliver us from our pits. Timing is everything to the Lord. It was time for Joseph to be exalted because his destiny was ready for him and he was ready for it.
This is a picture of the church coming to maturity and being set in its place in the world to rule and reign with wisdom and anointing. This is exactly where we are now as a nation and as a people of believers. We are going to see ourselves promoted to positions we never saw in our wildest imaginations. It will be the Lord’s doing for his purposes.
Back home, Jacob needed grain and heard that Egypt had it so he sent his sons, except Benjamin, to buy grain. They didn’t recognize Joseph but he recognized them. I think that his is a picture of the Jewish nation. They don’t yet recognize Christ, but they surely need our help. We need to continue to pray for Israel and our relationship with them. We are the key to their eyes being opened and recognizing their Messiah.
In Matthew, the religious order has decided that Jesus is not the Messiah and that his power comes from Satan so he only teaches in parables from that time on. He explains the parables only to his disciples. Most of his parables are about the kingdom of God and are self-explanatory but I want to talk about two of them and add some light. When he said that the kingdom of heaven was like a treasure hidden in a field he was talking about the nation of Israel. Psalm 135:4 says, “For the Lord hath chosen Jacob unto himself, and Israel for his peculiar treasure.” God bought that nation with the blood of his son. The merchant looking for fine pearls is talking about God seeking out the Gentiles. The Jews would consider a pearl to be unclean but the New Testament teaches us that what was unclean in the Old Testament, God calls clean in the New. (Acts 11:5-9)
Lord, you are the rock that we take refuge in. Be a shield to Israel and destroy every attempt to divide or destroy them. May their eyes be opened to see their Messiah.

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