Monday, January 2, 2017

Mon.’s Devo - The Fall of Man and the Redemption of God

Read: Genesis 3-4:26; Matthew 2:13-3:6 Psalms 2:1-12; Proverbs 1:7-9
The serpent was the most crafty and cunning of the animals so Satan used him to prey on Eve. He convinced her that the fruit from the forbidden tree would actually help her and prosper her understanding. She tried it and when she didn’t die, she handed it to Adam who also ate of it. First Timothy 2:14 says that Adam was not deceived, but the woman was the one that transgressed. Eve stood for the church. The devil is out to deceive the church. Adam stood for Jesus who would never be deceived. He chose to take that apple to die with his wife so that one day he might die for her and redeem her back to righteousness. The Bride is the purpose that God made the earth. Jesus had no helpmeet suitable for him in heaven so God made the earth to form a bride for his son.
Notice that when God showed up and the blame game started with Adam, who blamed Eve, who blamed the serpent; God went first to the root - the serpent - and cursed him. He was cursed to crawl on his belly and eat dust (man is made of dust). There would always be enmity between him and the woman and his offspring and hers. So we see that the devil has off-spring and the church has off-spring. Her off-spring, Jesus would bruise Satan’s head, and the devil would one day bruise Jesus’ heel. That happened on the cross.
To the woman, God cursed her with labor in pregnancy. Her longing would be toward her husband and he would rule over her. To the man, God said that the ground would be cursed and his labor would be to provide for his family from a ground that would produce thorns and thistles.
They were then sent out of the garden of Eden and placed at the east of the garden. He protected the tree of life with Chreubims armed with a rotating flaming sword. God sacrificed animals and made Adam and Eve clothes to cover their nakedness - their sin.
They had offspring - Cain and Abel. Cain represented the off-spring of the serpent and Abel the offspring of God. Cain brought a sacrifice to God from a cursed ground where Abel brought God a blood sacrifice. Cain murdered Abel over the same jealousy that made the Pharisees want to murder Jesus. Only, Jesus wasn’t murdered, he laid down his life.
Cain was sent to wander in the land of Nod which means “vagrancy”. The definition of vagrancy is idle wandering without means or provision. There he started his legacy.
Meanwhile, Eve had another son to take the place of Abel. His name was Seth which means substitute. He was God’s plan of redemption for Eve’s line. When Seth had offspring, they began to call upon the name of the Lord. Eve had lost two sons but she needed a substitute only for Abel. Abel brought to God the accepted sacrifice and he stood for Jesus who was the accepted sacrifice. Seth was his substitute on the earth and Seth stands for Jesus also. His offspring was called Enos which means “mortal man”. We are the offspring of Jesus.
In Matthew, we read that when Jesus was born, Satan tried to kill him but God supernaturally protected Jesus through warning dreams to Joseph. They plotted in vain like Psalm said. God only laughs at man’s attempt to thwart his plans.
So Lord, we ask you for the nations as your inheritance and the ends of the earth as your possession. We take our refuge in You.

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