Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Wed.’s Devo - The Church Spreads!

Read: Acts 8:1b-9:43
God uses persecution to spread the gospel often. In this case, God needed them to scatter and share the news to neighboring towns and cities. Phillip was one of the seven men that became a leader in the churches. He had fled persecution and went to Samaria where he preached the good news with signs and wonders following his ministry. When the apostles heard what was going on in Samaria they sent Peter and John to lay their hands on them so they could receive the Holy Spirit.
When God’s power starts manifesting it arouses interest in the spiritual world. Simon, the sorcerer realized that their power was more powerful than his so he became a believer. He was especially interested in their ability to lay hands on people and them receive the Holy Spirit. He tried to buy this power, because that is how it worked in his world. The apostles rebuked him and exposed his heart. Simon then repented. When we start moving in the power Jesus promised us, we will draw the attention of the New Agers, mystics and the likes. They are hungry to see the power of God just like we are. When they see it moving in us then they will be open to Jesus.
Saul was the church’s greatest enemy. He was set on shutting down this move of God. He went from house to house dragging believers out of their homes and throwing them into prison. He was on his way to get letters from the synagogues with permission to arrest all followers and bring them back to Jerusalem in chains when the power of God knocked him to the ground and blinded him. God asked him why he was persecuting him. Saul had a glorious conversion but had a harder time convincing the members of the new church that he was sincere.
Meanwhile, Peter raises Dorcus from the dead which causes many to come to believe in Jesus.
These are the stories we are hearing trickle in but God is going to multiply them in the future days. We are going to walk in this power in the days ahead because we have entered into the kingdom age where the kingdom of heaven invades the kingdom of earth. Get ready!
Lord, we are anticipating these days ahead with great excitement and joy. Manifest your power on the earth and bring a harvest of souls!

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