Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tues.’s Devo- To Athens and the Thessalonians

Read: Acts 17:16-18:3; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5:11
Paul went to Athens which was the center of Greek education and culture. Knowledge was a god to them so when Paul came teaching about Jesus it was a new concept and they wanted to hear about it so they could add it to their shelf of knowledge. The Holy Spirit gave Paul his sermon and he taught about the tomb of the unknown god. He had found this god to be the only god who created the earth and all that was in it. His purpose was for the nations to find him as the only God. When he finished, some laughed at his ideas, some of the people wanted to hear more later, and others started following him and became believers.
Paul left Athens for Corinth and stayed with Aquila and Priscilla who were Jews who fled the persecution in Italy. They were also tentmakers as Paul was. From here, Paul wrote his letter to the Thessalonians. He commended them for their faith in God. They had become believers and continued to follow the way in spite of the persecution they had faced. Because of this, they had become an example to all the believers in Greece. Everywhere they went they were hearing good stories about the church there. They had tried to get back to encourage them but things kept coming up. They had finally decided to send Timothy to them and now he was back with the good news of how they were growing and thriving in the Lord. He had one warning for them to stay away from all sexual sin. The temptation was all around them and adultery and immorality was very prevalent there. He didn’t want them to slip into the world’s lifestyle. Instead, Paul told them to love one another in the Lord and to treat each other like they would want to be treated. Mind their own business and do what God told them to do. God will take care of everyone else.
Lastly, Paul assured them of a resurrection. Just as Jesus rose from the dead, their loved ones would rise and be with the Lord. Until then, encourage one another and build each other up in the Lord. We need each other.
Lord, help us to live in love and encourage one another to life and love.

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