Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Wed.’s Devo - Principles of the Kingdom

Read: Mark 9:14-50; Matthew 17:14-18:35; Luke 9:37-50
When the disciples couldn’t cast the demon out of the young boy, they brought him to Jesus. Jesus cast it out of him never to return then told his disciples that this kind only comes out by prayer and fasting. Jesus spent his free time doing both of these things. He also told them that they needed to have more faith.
Jesus avoided the crowds so he could spend time teaching his disciples. They were going to be the ones he would leave his ministry to. He told them that he was going to be betrayed and killed by his enemies, but on the third day he would rise from the dead. This was very disturbing to them and they couldn’t grasp it in their minds. It was definitely different from what they were imagining. God’s ways usually are.
Jesus taught them about how to be great in the kingdom of God. He told them that just to get in they needed to turn from their sins and become like little children in their faith. He told them that the least among them would be the greatest. He also encouraged them with this: everyone will be tested with fire. If something is tempting you, you have to remove yourself from it.
He also talked about when a person does something sinful against you. You are to first go to the person who offended you and tell them your story. If they won’t listen, then you need to take one or two people with you. If they still won’t listen, then you tell the church leadership. If they won’t listen to them then you are to treat them like a pagan or a corrupt tax collector. Because, what ever we loose here on earth will be loosed in heaven and what ever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven. “Loose” means to loosen, dissolve or put off. “Bind” means to tie up in bonds. Jesus told them to bind first, then to loose. So we bind up the enemy and then we free ourselves from that sin. If we don’t replace it with good seed, it will come back.
The last teaching Jesus gave them was about forgiveness. It is one of the most important principles in the Bible. We must learn to forgive or we will not be forgiven. No matter how much mercy was given to the man, because he didn’t have forgiveness in his heart, he couldn’t forgive his debtor. His end is a picture of the bondage we are in when we don’t forgive. We might not be in a physical prison, but we are certainly in an emotional, spiritual prison until we repent and forgive. God will help us to do this if we just ask.
Lord, bring to our minds anyone we have not forgiven so that we can repent and forgive them. Thank you for forgiving us.

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