Sunday, October 2, 2016

Sun.’s Devo - The Kingdom of Heaven

Read: Matthew 6:5-7:23; Luke 6:37-49
Yesterday’s reading had to do with how we should relate rightly with man. Today’s reading has to do with how we relate rightly with God. When we talk to God we are not do it to impress other people. Prayer is an intimate conversation between us and God. Corporate prayer is totally different. That is when we meet together to petition God about a common request. This is powerful and affective. Corporate worship is also extremely powerful but should never become a show that honors a person. Jesus gave them a model to use in praying. It shows us a godly order. First, we give God honor and praise. We enter into the gates with praise on our lips. Then we recognize God’s heart for the kingdom to be established on earth and we agree with Him. Then we pray for our daily needs and for others. Lastly, we pray against the enemy.
Forgiveness is so important for us to understand. God is held from forgiving us through our own hard hearts. If we forgive people freely for anything they have done against us we free ourselves and open the channel in our lives for forgiveness to flow. It also releases that person to repent and be forgiven.
If we could see the kingdom of heaven, we would never worry about another thing here on earth. This is not our home. We are building a spiritual house by the way we live down here that will manifest when we get to heaven. We will get to do everything we love to do here in that kingdom. God will use us in the gifts we love to move in when we get to heaven. So, when the devil comes to discourage you by what you are lacking or having to do without down here, remind him of what is waiting for you in heaven. Earth is a short visit compared to eternity. God promised to meet every one of our needs here on earth and he wants to do it in such an abundant way that it will exemplify what is in heaven but we have to give him all of our heart. He wants his blessing to bless us, not curse us. An inheritance gotten too soon may not be a blessing in the end. (Proverbs 20:21) God wants to bless us as our soul prospers so that we can handle the blessing and use it wisely.
Lord, than you for making a way we can fellowship with you. May that be our hearts desire.

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