Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Wed.’s Devo - The Beast, the Dragon and the Lamb

Read: Revelation 12-18
I hate that I don’t have room to write about everything we are reading. Yesterday in the eleventh chapter we read about the angel sent to measure the temple, the altar and the worshippers. Only the Jewish nation was judged. The Gentiles were spared. Two Jewish prophets came on the scene that moved in the spirit and miracles of Moses and Elijah. They were martyred and after three days came back to life and ascended into heaven like Jesus did. Then we have an earthquake that kills about 7,000.
Chapter Twelve is a scene in heaven. It begins with the birth of Jesus (Ps. 2, Rev. 2:27) and the plan of Satan to stop his destiny. Satan and his angels fight for their position in heaven and are thrown out of heaven to roam the earth. Our accuser is no longer able to have access to accuse us before God. This woman is the Church and she is protected and hidden in God. Satan lives to make war with the Church and all who have the testimony of Jesus.
In Chapter Thirteen, we have the rise of two beast. They were given power by the dragon. The dragon is Satan, the same serpent that beguiled Eve in the garden. The horns represent kingdoms that they rule and the heads are the leaders of these kingdoms. One beast rose out of the sea and the other out of the earth. I wonder if the first beast was a spirit and the second beast was his manifestation on earth as a man. Daniel saw this same beasts which the head was Rome. Rome is the seat of Satan. Living in America and not being Catholic, I am not reminded of the power of the Pope or his influence but the papacy is run with stealth, precision, and much deception. This beast had a head that had a deadly wound that was healed. This happened during the reformation when John Wesley exposed the apostasy of the church. It took years to heal. It is represented by the number 666.
Chapter Fourteen presents our mascot - the Lamb and his followers which are represented by the number 144. The beast falls and great praise is offered to God. But also, seven more plagues like the ones during Moses day are poured out. Then everyone is gathered to Armageddon.
Revelation Seventeen reveals a woman on a scarlet beast. She is Rome (17:18). She will be burned with fire because she killed the New Testament prophets and saints.
I know this is a very broad outline of a very complicated book but if you see Revelation as our Gentile history, it helps to make more sense of it. I don’t claim to have it all right but I think I have the spirit of it.
Lord, thank you that you have this all planned as you do our lives. We are part of this great eternal plan. Help us to walk it our today.

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