Sunday, December 27, 2015

Sun.’s Devo - Children of the Day

Read: 2 John; 3 John
It is unknown if John is writing this letter to a particular woman or “the bride of Christ”. It doesn’t matter to us because we know it is relevant to us right now. John is concerned that they walk in truth and love. At the time, the church members were having a hard time knowing which traveling teachers to bring into their homes and their fellowship and which to shun. John taught that it all boils down to the doctrine of Christ. If the teachers lived in Christ, then they should welcome them and care for them. If not, they should send them on their way.
So, how does this translate in our society. There is so much apostasy in our world right now it is sad. Homosexuality is considered acceptable behavior along with transexual, cross-dressers, etc. The list goes a long way in the way of disfunction. Family and marriage are being redefined and if we aren’t careful, we will be seduced into coexisting with Satanic thoughts and doctrines. It is going to get much worse and darker because we are in the last day. We must become brighter and brighter against their darkness. If we all look different shades of gray it is hard to tell which holds the true light, but when dark becomes darker and light becomes brighter, it is easy to tell the different. The church stands for the moon which is only visible in the night. Then the day breaks and it becomes lighter and lighter. We are living in the day so we are becoming brighter and brighter, but the world is living in the night and they are becoming darker and darker.
Lord, may we be children of the day.

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