Sunday, December 20, 2015

Sun.’s Devo- Encouragement Through the Trials

Read: 1 Peter 1-5
Peter writes this letter to the persecuted churches in Asia Minor which consisted mostly of converted Gentiles. Peter probably wrote this in his last years. He was killed by Nero during Nero’s campaign to kill all the Christians. Peter talks of the lively hope of our incorruptible inheritance that is undefiled and unfading. We are kept by the power of God in expectation of a salvation that will be revealed in the last of time. He encourages them and us to be joyful for this hope we live for because the trials we are facing were more precious than gold. It will all make sense and be worth it in the end…so, Peter tells us to hold on.
Most of these people had been saved out of a lifestyle of lewdness, drunkenness, and idolatries. Peter encourages them to stay holy and pure. They are now a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people that are to praise the one who called them out of darkness into his light. He even told them to honor the king who would one day kill him and many of his converts. He also told them to honor their masters especially if they were mean and unjust toward them.
Peter had a word to wives and husbands. Wives are to let their works and conversation be chaste and exemplify their fear of God. Their beauty should be most evident on the inside. The husbands were to honor their wives as co-heirs yet weaker physically. Everyone was to love one another, love life, watch their talk and seek peace.
Peter talks a lot about trials because the church was in such persecution. He told them to not be surprised that they are facing such opposition but to rejoice that they were able to suffer like Christ. But, he reminds them that they should be suffering for doing good, not for doing bad.
Last of all, Peter tells us to cast our cares upon Jesus, because he does care. Like James, he says that trials make us perfect, established, strengthened and settled.
Lord, we thank you for our trials and pray that they work a perfect work in us for your glory.

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