Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tues.’s Devo - Take Heart!

Read: Daniel 4-6
Today was such an applicable reading for us in the world we live. Daniel was our prototype of how to live godly in an ungodly nation. He prospered under three ungodly kings by using his spiritual gifts without excuse. Nebuchadnezzar needed his dream interpreted and only Daniel could do it. He told Nebuchadnezzar that he would lose his mind if he didn’t repent of his pride and show mercy to the poor. It all came down that very hour and for an appointed time, Nebuchadnezzar was like a wild animal exiled from his kingdom. He came to his senses and was given back his kingdom.
Nebuchadnezzar’s son Belshazzar ruled in his place and decided to drink from the cups taken from the temple. As soon as he did God started writing on the wall four words. It scared Belshazzar and his men half to death till they brought in Daniel and he could interpret it. Because he had ruled his nation in pride God had numbered his days and his kingdom was about to be divided between the Medes and Persians. He lived long enough to reward Daniel with a gold chain and promote him to third in the kingdom. That night Belshazzar was killed by the Chaldeans and Darius, the Mede took over the kingdom.
Daniel was promoted under Darius to number one over the whole kingdom. The other presidents were jealous and found a way to trick Darius into sabotaging Daniel and he ended up in the lion’s den. I think Darius was more upset than Daniel but he encouraged Daniel that his God would deliver him. He was right and we have the great story of Daniel in the Lion’s Den. The lions were rewarded with the accusers of the brethren.
These few chapters are such powerful reminders of what our God can do for us in the midst of ungodly rule. Take heart because our leader is the Lord!
Lord, give us your viewpoint when we are tempted to tremble and be afraid. You are in control and you lead the heart of kings. There is nothing to fear but You and You are on our side.

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