Saturday, September 26, 2015

Sat.’s Devo - Rebuilding the Walls

Read: Nehemiah 1-5
Nehemiah was a cupbearer in the same city Esther was queen. Esther’s King Ahazerus reigned 485-465 B.C. and Nehemiah’s King Artaxerxes 1 reigned after him from 465-424 B.C. Ezra had led the people in rebuilding the temple and now God was leading Nehemiah to rebuild the city and its walls.
Nehemiah means “God of comfort”. The comforter is the Holy Spirit. The Bible tells us that walls are salvation so once Ezra brought the presence of God into the city through reestablishing the temple, now Nehemiah could bring the salvation of God by building the walls. It is the Holy Spirit that goes before us and prepares hearts to receive the salvation of the Lord. No wonder Sanballat was upset. Sunbelt means “hatred” and “thorn in secret”.
Nehemiah led the people by fasting and praying for repentance and guidance. The remedy to Sanballat was to join together as one and assign people to do the building while others held their sword. Is that not the way we do anything in the spirit. We preface everything with seeking God and humbling ourselves before him. Then we join together and let some people do the physical ministry while others fight in the spirit for the others. God honors our unity and our prayers.
Lord, today, send your Holy Spirit to go before us and prepare the hearts of those who are destined to salvation.

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