Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thurs.’s Devo - The Covenant of Faith

Read Romans 10 My conclusion of the last chapter is this: We all deserve judgment, but God chooses to have mercy on some and invite them to know him. It is my privilege, and hopefully yours that we have been invited into this great mercy called grace. Paul feels the same about Israel. He sees that they have a zeal for God, just no knowledge of who he is or what pleases him. Instead of finding out they have come up with their own form of righteousness. Christ put an end to that way of trying to be righteous enough to approach God. If you choose to follow Moses law to get to God then you must follow it to the tee. But, there is a better way which is by faith. We don’t have to go to heaven or hell to find it - it is found in our heart. I comes by confessing with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believing in our heart that God raised Jesus from the dead. If you do this you will not be disgraced - God will save you. If salvation is this easy then we need to tell everyone, because how else will they know. That is why God give his people the commission to go spread the gospel. So faith is to anyone who hears and believes not just the Jew. In fact, Moses prophesied that God would use a people other than the Jews to know him and this intimacy that they have of God will cause the Jews to be jealous and upset. But Isaiah added that all the time God is stretching forth his hand to the Jewish people even though they are disobedient and they speak against God. Salvation by faith seems so easy and simple to us who have been taught this our whole lives, but what if you had been taught to do things to please God, and there is no way to know if you did. Then being saved by faith might seem preposterous to us too. It took a huge leap of faith to switch from law to grace for them. We like formulas - they are predictable. God is not a formula and walking with him is a walk of faith. Lord, give us the faith to walk with you.

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