Friday, August 30, 2013

Fri.’s Devo - Our Giving

Read Romans 12:12b-13 Continue instant in prayer. Looking up each word in the Greek that means to constantly be in a place of prayer. How do we do that? WE don’t and can’t, but our spirit can. Have you ever woken up singing a spiritual song in your mind? I did just yesterday and I took note of what it was saying. The Bible says that he will give us songs in the night. So if we can pray while we are sleeping, then we can be in a place of prayer while we are going about our day. I find myself praying and not knowing I’m praying - just talking to God. Our spirit is always in tune with God. The next thing on the list is to distribute to the necessity of the saints. We instantly think of money, food, and clothes, but what about encouragement, friendship, and love. Usually, the people we run into in our day-to-day are not the destitute but the lonely. They are church-goers who might need someone to stand with them in prayer about something or give them a word of encouragement or just let them know we care. I noticed that it said we are to do this to the saints which translates the pure, morally blameless or religious, ceremonially consecrated. Jesus came to his own first, then the world. He invited his friends to the wedding party first, then went to the highways and byways. We are to meet the needs to the church first, then send them out to the world. We are to be given to hospitality which doesn’t mean having parties for our friends. This one has to do with entertaining strangers. Being hospitable to those who can’t pay you back and without any ulterior motive. Who knows, sometimes these strangers are angels in disguise. Lord, make our prayers more obvious to us. Unite our minds with our spirits that we might discern how to pray and meet the needs of others.

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