Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tues.’s Devo - Round Two for Zophar

Read Job 20 Zophar decides to take another stab at it. I guess it’s his turn. He claims to feel compelled to say something. He wants to talk about the wicked and the hypocrite. Since Job refuses to claim to be wicked, maybe Zophar can convince him he’s a hypocrite. He starts out by saying their life and their joy is short-lived. Job’s joy has certainly been cut off, but he IS still alive. Zophar explains that the wicked hypocrite is very powerful, then as fast as he is exalted, he falls. (Sounds like Job.) His life is like a vapor - here today, gone tomorrow. His children will be left to beg and pay back what their father stole. Even though he kept all the wicked things he wanted to say inside and didn’t say it. It will end up eating his insides up. His secret sins will be exposed as God causes him to vomit them up. Sin is sweet to the taste, but doesn’t settle well. Since he gets his riches dishonestly, it’s rewards will be like poison instead of a flow of blessings. He will see others blessed, but his wealth will be a curse to him because he has forsaken the poor and had no compassion on the oppressed. By stealing from the less fortunate he has lost his peace and he will not prosper like he supposed. He shall lose when he should have gained and he will have made many enemies and many creditors. When he sits down to enjoy his labors, God will judge him and they will be taken from him when he least expects it. He will be afraid for his life and always be on the run. He will be turned over to the devil who will torment him. He will feel overwhelmed and oppressed. His life will end in poverty and he will lose everything in the judgment. Zophar had no mercy when talking about the wicked hypocrite. What he said is true of the wicked, just not true about Job. Lord, let us walk in the fear of the Lord, but the freedom of Christ knowing that our end will not be same as the end of the wicked.

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