Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tues.’s Devo - Bildad’s Last Statements

Read Job 25 & 26 Bildad has just a few more words to say before he bows out of the argument. God owns and created fear and dominion. He is All Powerful and no one can win against him. No one can escape him for he is Omnipresent and All-knowing. So who can be righteous next to him? Can a mortal man be pure and good? Even the moon has no light of its own and the stars are not pure to God. So how can a man think he is? Romans addresses this same question. In Romans 4 Paul explained that Moses was not justified because he was sinless but because of his faith in God. Our faith in Jesus covers our sins and makes us righteous. And since we have a compassionate High Priest, we are invited to come boldly before his throne to obtain mercy and grace. But, alas, Bildad didn’t have Jesus and he didn’t understand that his faith could make him justified like Moses. Job’s response is to ask Bildad how he has done anything in his own power. Even the dead are afraid of God. Those in Sheol which was the invisible world of the departed souls are not invisible to God. Hell, which is the lowest level of Sheol for the extremely wicked has no covering to God’s eyes. God took the quarter of the earth he called “north” and stretched it over empty space to create what we know as the northern part of the earth. He hung earth in the sky and made it stay. He holds water in clouds without it breaking the clouds. He made an end to the oceans with sand and ended the day with night. Even the pillars in heaven shake and are amazed when God is angry. (One commentator thought these pillars represented the mountains that seem to hold up the heavens.) God can divide the sea and bring down the proud. God illumined heaven with his spirit and formed “the crooked serpent” which probably refers to the constellation of the serpent. All this he described is only a small part of who God is and how powerful he is. Lord, reading Job makes me so thankful that I live in the age of grace and have the written Word to read. Thank you that the Word resides in us!

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