Saturday, April 27, 2013

Mon.’s Devo - The Passover Supper

Read Luke 22:1-29 The feasts were set up as an ordinance for the people to participate in year after year. They were “dress rehearsals “ for the time that the Messiah would come to earth and be the fulfillment of the feast. Every year the Jewish people celebrated the Passover where they brought their lambs to the temple to atone for their family. There would be one passover lamb that the priests would choose to be the atonement for all the people. This year this passover lamb would be Jesus himself - the fulfillment of all the years of celebrating Passover. God used Satan,and Satan used Judus Iscariot to turn Jesus over to be crucified. Judas betrayed Jesus to the chief priests for money. On the day of unleavened bread, Jesus sent Peter and John to find a place to eat the passover together. Jesus told them that they would enter the city, see a man with a pitcher of water and follow him to his house. They were to ask him if they could use his guest room and get it ready. Of course, it happened just as Jesus had seen it in the spirit. When they met, Jesus told them that this would be the last time he would eat with them before he suffered. The next time he ate it would be in heaven with God. He explained that the bread was his body and the blood represented his blood. Then he told them his betrayer was at the table. When they began to question among themselves who it might be and argue which was the greatest Jesus gave them a parable. He explained to them that the greatest one is the one who does the most to serve. Because they stood by Jesus in all his ministry, they will rule over heavenly kingdoms and sit on thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel. Of course, this didn’t make much sense to them then, but it was a great promise that they would see after they died. They would receive this great honor because they suffered the humiliation and persecution of walking with Jesus on the earth. It is the same for us, the more we stand with Jesus during adversity and ridicule the more we will be in trusted with spiritually. The riches of the kingdom are truly not silver and gold but worth far more. Lord, we seek to walk with you no matter what comes our way. We choose to be your disciples to the end.

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