Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tues.’s Devo - Unleavened Bread

Read Ex. 12:13-20 God starts laying out his feasts. There will be 7. Unleavened bread is the first. They were to abstained from eating anything with leaven in it for 7 days. On the first day they had to remove any leaven from the house. Leaven is a picture of sin. When you put leaven in a mixture it makes it expand and that is what happens when you add a little sin to your life - it gets bigger and bigger. To choose to disobey cost you your life. The first and last day of the observance would be a holy time of meeting together. They were also to not work during this time. These seven days are to represent the span of mankind. If you want to live eternally then you abstain from sin and observe the Lord. Sin is to willfully disobey God. People who eat of this day after day are not going to spend eternity with God whether they walked an aisle as a child or not. Salvation is a process that we live in, learning more about him everyday. It does not mean that we don’t make mistakes or fall down, it just means that our heart is set towards him. They were not to work during this time because salvation is God’s work in us. Our job is to rest in Him and allow him to work through us. Our striving is not pleasing to God. I think this is one of the hardest thing for us to grasp esp. since we live in a hard-working society where worth is put on what we accomplish. God wants us to work hard at our physical jobs, not at getting more perfect spiritually. The only way to fight our sin nature is to put on God’s nature, not to do godly works - that was what the law was all about. God gave us the law to show us that we cannot win with will power, only with Holy Spirit power. When we behold God in his splendor, we become what we behold. Sin no longer has a hold on our hearts. This is what unleavened bread was all about - letting God change their hearts and purify their walk. Lord, remind us not to strive to be holy, but to draw near to you and let your holiness rub off on us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So true, Ginny. Good word.