Friday, August 10, 2012

Fri.’s Devo - Frogs Everywhere!

Read Ex. 8:1-15 God told Moses to go back to Pharaoh and demand they be set free. If he refuses then God is going to bring frogs up from the rivers and they will consume the land. The Pharaoh must have said no because God had Aaron stretch forth his rod and frogs popped out of every river,stream, and pond. They covered the land. The magicians could do the same thing with their powers but they couldn’t make them go away. It is interesting to me that the things God brought upon Egypt seemed to be the same things the sorcerers practiced in their black magic. They worshiped frogs so now God was giving them their fill of their gods. If frogs were sacred, then it was probably not permitted to kill one. How disgusting to reach for the flour and get a frog instead! Pharaoh didn’t take long till he was seeking Moses out and asking him to take the frogs away… actually, he told him to destroy the sacred frogs! Then he told them they could go sacrifice. Moses told him that tomorrow the frogs would be gone back to the rivers and it would prove that there is no other god like the Lord God. The next day the frogs were dead. They gathered dead frogs by the heaps and the whole land stunk! That’s what God thought about that false god! But after it was all over Pharaoh hardened his heart and wouldn’t let the people go. Sometimes we have to fight through many obstacles to get our prayers answered but it is for a greater reason. God kept hardening Pharaoh’s heart because he wanted to judge all their gods. Before it is over he will have addressed all the issues of their hearts. If we want our hearts totally turned toward God, then God will test us till we are swept clean of all the gods we have amassed. It is not fun for the time, but the end is worth it. In Rev. 16:12-14 the sixth angel poured out his vial on the Euphrates River and it was dried up. Three unclean spirits like frogs came out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. They stood for the spirits of devils, working, miracles, which went forth to gather the kingdoms of the earth to battle. That is what these frogs represented - demonic miracles. After this plague, the sorcerers couldn’t reproduce any of God’s miracles. Lord, search our hearts and see if there be any wicked thing in us. Create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit within us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'd always wondered why God chose plagues that could be reproduced somewhat by the sorcerers. I didn't realize he was dealing specifically with their gods, essentially stripping them bare of everything the put their trust in. Thanks for bringing this to light.