Friday, August 17, 2012

Fri.’s Devo - The Lord’s Passover

Read Ex. 12:2-12 Finally, Moses reaches the end of his waiting and after this last plague they will be leaving. He was told to tell the people to ask their neighbors for their gold and silver jewelry. God gave them favor in the eyes of their neighbors and they gave up their jewelry. Then God gave Moses the details of the last plague. He is going to go out at midnight and kill all the firstborn of Egypt from the greatest to the least. This will be the crowning blow since the firstborn were the heirs of the inheritance. None of the children of Israel will be touched. Then God began to instruct Moses on his principles. He told him that this month (which was really the 7th month) will be the first month of the year to them in God’s new cycle. God was trying to teach them about being born again so he was giving them a new birthday. The Jewish people would have a natural calendar that starts with Tishri and a spiritual calendar that starts with Nissan. If we are born again we have two birthdays: a natural one and a spiritual one. Then God painted a picture of salvation. On the 10th day of the month they were to take an unblemished lamb one year old and set him aside. They were to keep him till the 14th then all Israel were to kill their lamb that evening and smear its blood on the side posts and the upper door post of the houses. They were to eat the flesh that night, roasted with fire, and unleavened bread and bitter herbs. They were to completely consume it and if they had any left over they had to consume it with fire the next day. They were to eat it quickly with their traveling cloths on and their staff in their hand. This is the Lord’s passover. That same night the Lord will pass through the land of Egypt and kill all the firstborn but when he sees the blood on the doorposts he will pass over that house. Lord, how amazing are your ways! Help us to trust them especially when we don’t understand them.

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