Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wed.’s Devo - Why He Came

Read Isa. 61:1-11

This is another favorite chapter in Isaiah. It is a Messianic prophecy. Jesus quoted the first 2 verses in Luke 4:18 only he stopped before he got to the place that said ”the day of vengeance of our God”. He then closed the book and said, “today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” He stopped there because it was not the time of vengeance but of salvation. When he comes back he will be able to fulfill the last part. Jesus came with a mission which was to preach the good news, heal the broken hearts, speak freedom to those who were in bondage, to set free those who were in prison and to proclaim that this was the day of salvation. He came to give comfort to all who were mourning and to turn their failures to something beautiful and to give them joy instead of sadness, joy instead of depression, and that they may be firmly planted in God. He came to build back things that had been torn down in their lives and repair things that had been destroyed. He was speaking of bloodline curses and old prophesies that they hadn’t seen come to pass. He came to give them hope and faith. He came to make them the head and not the tail - the ruler and not the slave. He came to let them know who they were in him: Priests of the Lord, Ministers of the Lord. He came to give them a double portion of inheritance. He came to clothe us in the robes of righteousness so that we could bloom on the earth.

Lord, may we live out everything you came for. May our lives make you glad you came and make you smile.

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