Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thurs.’s Devo - Redemption for Israel

Read Isa. 62:1-12

Most commentators put this chapter in the Millennium but I am not sure. It is too easy to put everything in the Millennium that we don’t understand. I believe that Israel is going to be the head and not the tail here on earth before this whole thing comes to an end. So whether this is pre or post-millennium it still means the same. God’s righteousness is going to shine forth as a lamp. I think we are living in verse 2 where the Gentiles see this righteousness and receive a new name. We have come to the truth and are waiting for Israel to have their eyes opened to the truth of Jesus, the Messiah. When they do God is going to redeem their land and marry them once again. Prophets will prophecy once again in the streets of Jerusalem the word of the Lord. Jerusalem will be exalted in all the earth. They will harvest what they plant and get to keep it for themselves. They will once again do everything for God’s glory and he will set his blessing upon Jerusalem once again. Everyone will understand that Israel is God’s people and He did not forsake them.

Lord, you are the hope of your people and you never disappoint. Open the eyes of your people to see your loving hand extended to them.

I dreamed last night that I was in a strange place. An old Asian man asked me if I knew how to live forever. I told him I did and he listened intently as I told him God’s plan of salvation. We both teared up when I talked about Jesus. I asked him if he had ever heard of the name Jesus and he said “No”. He asked me why I didn’t tell everybody about this. Good question!

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