Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wed.’s Devo - Letting our Light Shine

Read Isa. 58: 10-12

Fasting should remind us of those who are hungry every day. When we reach out to the poor, we re spreading light into the darkness. As a result, our light will become brighter and we will be able to see spiritually. God’s will for our life becomes plainer. Even in times of spiritual drought, we will be fed and our sprits will prosper. We will be full of God’s spirit so that others will be blessed. God’s liven water will refresh us and those around and never run dry. We will restore things that have been ravished by the devil. We will be instrumental in bringing salvation to families and hanging their spiritual bloodline. W will be known as those that bring restoration and healing in relationships that seemed torn apart and unrepairable. We will establish God’s kingdom on the earth.

Lord, may it be. May our fasts break the devil’s strongholds and restore godly paths for Gods’s people.

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