Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wed.'s Devo - Humility Before Honor

Read Pr. 27:1-2
Humility is a difficult walk. Peter said for the young person to submit to the older and for everyone to be subject to one another. Then he said to be clothed with humility: for God resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble. Another name for humility is modesty. We love to talk about ourselves and all our accomplishments. Who wants to listen to how great we are? Noone but our mother and I bet she gets tired after a while. Proverb tells us twice that to be honored we first have to be humbled. Today's Proverb warns us not to boast about what we are going to do in the future because we don't know the future and anything can happen. If we want praise it should not come from us. Our walk should so look like Jesus that people would praise us and we shouldn't have to seek it ourselves.
Lord, help us to walk in humility knowing that there is nothing good in us except you and there is nothing praisworthy about ourselves except what you do through us. Thank you for the gifts you give us to bring glory to you.

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