Monday, April 4, 2011

Mon.'s Devo God's Discipline

Read Pr. 26:3
We all respond to discipline in a different way so God uses different techniques on us because he knows what will work. Horses respond to whips, donkeys respond to a bridle and a fool responds to a beating. If you have children you know that what works with one will not work with the other. We are so different and unique. This past week-end I drove to New Orleans and back. I drive just a little over the speed limit but not enough to get a ticket. On my way home I had almost arrived when I went through a little town. The speed limit went down to 25 mph and I "thought" I had slowed to that. The trouble is I started accelerating just as I turned a corner and met a police man. He didn't immediately turn around and come after me so I thought I was safe. About 10 minutes later I saw these bright lights behind me and pulled over. He took all my I.D.'s and I waited for what seemed forever. As I was sitting there I starting thinking about why it was so scary to get a ticket. I felt like I was a little girl getting a spanking. I hardly ever speed but I was speeding this time and I was wrong. I know that the more you mature the less you get by with because you know better so I was ready to accept my ticket as a lesson. Much to my surprise the police man came back and said, "Looks like nobody wants you." I told him that was a good thing. Then he told me he wasn't giving me a ticket, just a warning. I thanked him and told him I really didn't usually speed. He said, "I know, that is what your record shows." I drove off in grateful tears. God reminded me that his grace is all about getting what we don't deserve, but that it was also a warning. Next time I'll get the ticket. So what ever your age, you still have to be able to respond correctly to discipline. God only disciplines those he loves.
Thank you Lord for your discipline because it is always good. Help us to be teachable and repentent.

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