Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tue.'s Devo - Sea of Galilee

The Sea of Galilee is where Jesus did most of his ministry. He called Simon Peter and Andrew who were fishermen to put down their nets and follow him. Then he walked on down the shore and saw brothers James and John and called them, They too left their nets, their ship, and their father, and followed Jesus immediately. Does that sound strange to you, too? What made them just drop everything and follow Jesus?
I'll give you a little history that might help. In the Jewish culture all Jewish boys went to school and memorized the Torah. If they proved to be excellent students they were asked to stay and study further. They memorized the Talmud as well. If they were the top of their class they were given the privilege of reading from the Torah on the Sabbath and when they graduated they were called a Rabbi. They were able to add to the Talmud their "yoke" which was their interpretation of the law. Upon graduation they would go out and choose men to follow them and be their disciples. This was a great privilege to be asked to follow a Rabbi and the goal of every mother. Jesus was called a Rabbi and he was allowed to read from the Torah in the synagogue on the Sabbath. He spoke of his yoke being easy, instead of more rules. He chose disciples, but instead of choosing the top in the class, he went to the seashore and picked fishermen, and tax-collectors. He didn't see men by their great learning but by their teachability. These men were teachable and that was what he was looking for - hearts that would turn.
So maybe that is why they were so quick to leave everything and follow Jesus or maybe, like in the movies, there was just something magical about him that drew them. I guess we'll never know till we get to heaven.
Lord, thank you that you don't choose looking on the outward appearance, but you look at the heart and you look for hearts that are teachable and easy to turn toward you. May we stay that way.

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