Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tue.'s Devo - The Loins of Your Mind

Read I Pet. 1: 13-25
What is "the loins of your mind"? We are suppose to continually be putting a belt on our mind. Our loins are our procreative power; what produces life. Our minds can produce all kinds of powerful things. We can let our minds hear a little bump in the night and turn it into a murderer coming in to kill us. We are to constantly rope in our imaginations and instead set them on heavenly things. You can read the newspapers and get surrounded by doubt and fear or you can choose to see that God is in control of this universe and it is all going as planned. If we are in the last days, we can expect things to look bad, but we as Christians are under God's wing and nothing can harm us there. We are living for eternity, not the here and now. Now is the time to be holy like never before. We do that by guarding the things that come out of our mouths, conforming our lives to God, not judging others and fearing God alone.
For we were not saved by the material things of the world but by the precious blood of Jesus who came at the set time and has become evident to us. So we who believed in him were born again by a spiritual seed called the Word which is eternal. Everything God made on earth is meant to die except his word which lives on forever.
Help us to gird up the loins of our minds today and put on the belt of truth.

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