Friday, March 12, 2010

Fri.'s Devo - Hodge Podge

Read: James 5:12-20
"Let your nay be nay." That is a hard one. How much more interesting to put some expletives to emphasize our decision. If we realized that sometimes just a "No" is more powerful than a "_______ No". I don't have trouble not cussing but I do like to embellish my decisions sometimes which is wrong according to James.
Then James completely leaves this topic and starts talking about the sick. If you have anyone sick you are suppose to call the elders of the church and let them anoint him with oil and pray over him. This act of faith will save him and his sins will be forgiven. Many times sickness is the result of sin and can be healed by confessing your faults to someone and have them pray for you that you may be healed. When you are clean your prayer will have power because it will be coming from a righteous vessel.
Elijah was just a man with the same temptations we have, but he kept himself clean so when he prayed for it not to rain it didn't for 3 and a half years! Then he prayed for it to rain and it rained.
James jumps again. If you know of someone who has strayed from the truth and convince them to come back you have saved them from death and have hid their sins. That is what Jesus does for us.
Thank you Lord for your Word that convicts us of sin and draws us back to your fellowship.

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