Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wed. Devo - We win!!!

Read Judges 5: 19-31
We have a lot to cover today! This battle is fought where the very last battle: the Battle of Armaggedon will be fought. Let's look at the similarities:
1. vs. 19 - the enemy gets to take no spoils. In the last battle the enemy will be thrown into the lake of fire. Rev. 20:9-10.
2. vs. 20 - this is a spiritual battle that will be fought in the heavens and also in the earth. In the last battle fire will come down from heaven and devour the enemy. Rev. 20:9.
3. vs. 24-27 - WE WIN!!! Jael acts as God. She nails Sisera's temple to the ground. "Temple" means "evil". She puts to death evil and sin with a nail. Rev. 20: 14 says that Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire.
Back to our story: Sisera's mother is waiting for him to come home. When he doesn't, she decides it is because he is busy dividing the spoil among his men. She dreams of when he will walk in and adorn her with beautiful robes. She is deceived. The devil is the biggest deceiver. He promises us things he never intends to deliver. He has no friends and is loyal to noone, even his own demons. He will tempt you to hold on to a dream that he never intends to fulfill. God is the exact opposite of that. He promises something then moves heaven and earth to fulfill it. What has God promised you that has not come to pass? Hold on to it. Find a promise in God's Word and hold on to it.
I love the last verse. "May all those who love you rise like the sun in all its. power." Lord, help us to shine the fullness of your light today.

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