Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday's Devo. Purified Water

Read Judges 5:10-12
We are reading the song of Deborah and Barak after their great defeat. The song is calling out to the rich: "the ones who ride on white donkeys" and to the poor: "the ones that walk along the road." It is begging them to listen to the village musicians as they sing songs about what God had done for them in the past. They knew that if the people were reminded of all the wonderful ways God had delivered them from in the past, they would have courage to march as an army down to the city gates to fight for their freedom.
In verse 12 the spirit of God is telling Deborah to wake up and proclaim victory and Barak to wake up and lead the army in victory. In the OT they didn't have a literal Bible to read, but they had songs that had been written and recorded so they could recall what God had done in the past. These songs were their Bible. The minstrels were the singing prophets of their day. It is the same today. Our modern day minstrels are singing their prophesies. The prophets of the world are singing about love, broken hearts, disappointment and bitterness. If you listen to them you will learn to close your heart to love, or open it to the wrong kind of love. Either way you lose. If you listen to God's musicians you will be uplifted in your spirit and be drawn near to the heart of God. In our story, the musicians were found at the watering holes. Heb. 10:22 says, "Let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ's blood to make us clean and our bodies have been washed with pure water." Eph. 5:26 tells us that this water is the Word of God.
What are you listening to? Is it giving you power in your spirit to walk with God or is it feeding your flesh to want what the world has. God wants you to walk in freedom and love but you have to choose Him.
I pray that we would choose You today. Change our desires to be your desires. Change our hearts to hunger after the pure water of your Word. Walk with us and cause us to hear your voice. We are thirsty for You.

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